Remembering Your Natural Magick With Alegna Moss (Podcast Episode 62)

Remembering Your Natural Magick Podcast With Alegna Moss

We’re all born with natural magick, but adult life often leads us to forget our intuitive, creative truth.

The key to remembering our natural magick is taking a look at what we perceive as our weaknesses…

Usually the things about us that we’ve been told weren’t “realistic” or “normal” are actually our greatest superpowers in disguise!

I invite you to join me and Alegna Moss as she shares her story of remembering her magick and gives us some insight on how to tap into our intuition and make use of our unique gifts.

Alegna is a brand alchemist and intuitive web designer who helps spiritual women amplify their impact by authentically expressing their inner magic. She works with soulpreneurs and creatives who want to cultivate abundance on their own terms and raise the vibration of the planet through the full expression of their gifts.

Using a mix of strategy and intuition, she helps her clients create a soul-aligned brand that’s based on their unique energetic blueprint, so they can naturally attract dream clients and expand their reach with ease and flow. She strongly believes entrepreneurship is one of the best ways to create freedom, serve your purpose, and design a powerful life.

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