About Afura

Afura outdoors with autumn witch hat and pumpkin

I’m Afura Nefertiti Fareed…

Hostess of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, and the artist behind the Writing Witch Shop.

I believe that magick is the power to write your own story, and alchemy is the art of transforming your biggest perceived weaknesses in to your greatest super powers…

And I love doing this for myself, as well as inspiring others through my podcast, YouTube channel, journaling supplies, guided journaling adventures and Patreon community.

Are you a witch (or witchy-curious) seeking more ease, flow, fulfillment, inspiration, alignment and MAGICK in your life?

I guide drifting dreamers to use seasons, elements, magickal thinking and self-reflection prompts to manifest thier most fulfilling life…

And to inspire seasoned magckal mavens to rediscover their inner truth, build confidence in their intuition and craft their own unique spiritual paths!

…Because I believe your “fairytale happy ending” is not a pipe dream, but a premonition of the life you’re meant to have when you step into your magick!

If you’re ready to step into your power, awaken your magick, and align your desires with the natural rhythms of the Universe, you’ve come to the right place!

Wheel Of The Year journal prompt pages

To get started, I’d love to invite you to to download my seasonal living introduction pages.

These grimoire pages will help you begin to align (or re-align) your life with the powerful energies of the seasons to you can experience more fulfillment in your everyday life.

Do you have questions, suggestions or invitations?

Reach out here:
