Life Purpose Numerology (Affluence Podcast Episode 101)

Life Purpose Numerology

There are many energy and personality typing systems that have been helpful to learn, such as birth chart astrology and Human Design.

For me, learning about my life purpose number was like a missing puzzle piece which, once I discovered it, really helped me to better understand how to navigate through my life in a healthy, aligned and fulfilling way.

Life purpose numbers are a step beyond traditional numerology, giving a more complete picture of not just your overall purpose, but also the steps you’re meant to take along your path as you evolve into your best self and transform your weaknesses into strengths.

In this episode, I’m sharing the basics of how to calculate your life purpose number and giving you some insight into how your number can help you navigate through the journey of life.

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If so, I invite you to check out this one next:

Life Path Number Numerology (Podcast With Taiha Lee Perron)

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