Your Desires Are Premonitions Of The Life You’re Meant To Manifest (Podcast Episode 91)

Your Desires Are Premonitions Of The Life You're Meant To Manifest

I firmly believe that your desires are premonitions of the life you’re meant to live when you step into your magick!

But it can be easy to loose faith in ourselves and in the Universe with all the apparent distractions (and unsolicited advice) out there these days!

Even just within the magickal community, with all the Pinterest infographics, witchy blog posts and weekly astrology forecasts, you’re probably feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of spiritual overwhelm.

Everywhere you look, somebody’s claiming to have the secret to manifesting your wildest dreams, but which one will actually work for you? The fact is, each of us needs to learn how to harness the Laws Of The Universe hands-on, and design our own unique self-development journey.

I invite you to read on or listen to the recorded version to discover how to reclaim your power and step into your dream life using seasonal magick:

Trust me, I know the struggle…

  • You want to manifest your #bestlife but you’re not quite sure how to even pinpoint exactly what that is.
  • You’re seeing all these manifestation gurus brag about living in “alignment,” but what does that even mean?
  • You’re starting to dread listening your horoscope, because there always seems to be one “intense transit” after another, leaving you feeling even more discouraged than before you listened to the forecast.
  • You’re trying all of these manifestation modalities you hear about online, but you don’t see the results you desire.
  • You have a hard time trusting your intuition, because you can’t tell which inner voice is your Higher Self and which one is your Ego.
  • You want to have a genuinely spiritual lifestyle, but you don’t have a sense of direction… Or if you already have one, your spiritual practice is starting to feel empty and mundane.
  • Just hearing a few lines of the news triggers a deep sense of despair even though you want to believe the world is a magical place.
  • Your spiritual practice and your mundane life feel totally disconnected from each other.
  • Your job, relationships and daily life feel out of alignment with your inner truth.
  • And you feel disconnected from the true purpose of your life, and feel daunted when you try to figure out what your “soul’s purpose” or “higher calling” is.
St. Mark's Squar zodiac astrology wheel

Well, here’s the good news: These are all signs that you’re having a spiritual awakening!

In order to get into alignment with your true life path, you have to first fall out of alignment from the false reality of your past or present belief systems.

There’s a quote that says, “in order to manifest the life you truly desire, you have to be brave enough to give up the life that you currently have.” And that’s exactly what you’re probably going through right now.

So you’re already on your way to your dream life. That’s the good news. The next step is to just get clear on the life you’d rather be living. If you’re not sure what that would look like, here are just a few examples:

  • You realize that your biggest perceived weaknesses are actually your greatest superpowers, and you learn to use them to better your life and inspire those around you.
  • You wake up every day excited because you know something magickal is always about to happen.
  • Your spiritual journey and your everyday life complement each other, because why in the world would those things be separate?!
  • You understand how to align your intentions and actions with the energies of the Universe, and you manifest your real life goals each season.
  • Your spiritual practice feels totally genuine, fulfilling and (most importantly) effective in moving you toward your goals.
  • You never have a hard time making decisions, because you have the tools you need to always feel confident – Your choices are aligned with your soul’s highest desires.
  • You never get seasonal depression anymore, because you know how to harness the energy of every season to amplify your manifesting power.
  • You’re in a natural flow of giving and receiving, and your career, projects and relationships all feel abundant and high vibe.
  • You have a clear roadmap for every year of your life, and you’re learning how everything is interconnected.
  • Negative news stories, grumpy coworkers and scary astro forecasts don’t even phase you anymore, because you know your power comes from within and you only attract what you choose to magnify.
  • You have a foolproof way of always knowing your highest purpose and core desires – And how to follow them in a way that actually feels fun!
Painting By Christian Schloe

Here’s the thing: Our desires are not pipe dreams, but premonitions of the life we’re meant to live when we step into our magick.

All you need is an easy, realistic view of how the Universal Laws work, so that you can seamlessly integrate them into your everyday life and manifest your deepest desires.

But trust me, I understand exactly how you’re feeling if you’re struggling right now, because I was stuck in an unfulfilling pattern not all that long ago.

Right now I’m amazed on a daily basis just how fluid and free my life is. But back in the day, I was a total spiritual scatterbrain…

I was one of those people who woke up to their intuitions around 2012, at a time when tons of online gurus and woowoo people were throwing around words like a “universe” and “energy” and “vibration” like nobody’s business. Everywhere I turned, somebody else was trying to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do to achieve enlightenment. And I was overwhelmed.

I had this deep sense of knowing that ideas, lessons and situations were happening in a synchronistic way to help me align with my true purpose. But my head was spinning with all the different fascinating spiritual and self development practices I was hearing about.

And the worst part was, I was pretty new to the whole adulting thing. And I needed to also have the good sense to create a stable life for myself and my fur children. I found myself constantly feeling at odds with the world, even though I seemed to be more aligned with my spiritual side than ever before.

Afura in autumn

Deciding between what seemed practical and what felt spiritually enlightening was a constant struggle.

And ironically, in spite of feeling divinely guided, I had no real sense of direction.

Just when I started to feel like I might literally just give up and go back to pretending to be a muggle, a total miracle happened… I discovered that the key to manifesting fulfillment is to harness the universal cycles to plant, tend and harvest our goals… And it’s been a total game changer!

By syncing up my goals and desires with the wisdom of eight seasons, I’ve manifested my dream career, my dream home, my ideal lifestyle, the most high vibe friends, clients, mentors and an amazing partner – All by digging deep into self development with the Universal Laws as my compass.

The best part is I’ve learned so much about myself and my place in the Universe, that navigating through the manifesting process feels like more of a breeze for me now! I simply identify my most genuine desire, and align my creative process with the energies of the seasons.

Wheel Of The Year Diagram

When I started seeing these unbelievable results in my life, I knew I had to share this magickal insight with other spiritual seekers.

And now, as an expert in translating magickal secrets into tangible life hacks for the millennial mind, I’ve made it my mission to create simple manifestation systems to get you unstuck and on track to being who you truly want to be.

In The Writing Witch Coven Seasonal Living Challenge, you’ll learn all the tools you need to identify your highest desires, claim them as yours, and then transform your biggest perceived weaknesses into your greatest superpowers using witchcraft practices, esoteric principles and tangible actions to manifest your ideal lifestyle.

It’s a hands-on experience harnessing the seasonal energies, aligning your intentions with the universal laws to plant, tend and harvest your real life goals.

And most importantly you won’t just learn about these concepts in some vague, cryptic sense. You’ll learn (in plain modern language) how these concepts are directly related to your everyday experience, and how to step into the role of using them as tools to manifest your ideal lifestyle.

The ultimate goal of the challenge is to identify your biggest desires, understand what held you back from fulfillment in the past, and how to use this earthly wisdom to reclaim the power that’s already inside of you.

If you already have specific goals in mind, you can start applying them from day one. Or if you’re not entirely sure what your goals and purpose even are right now, don’t sweat it! I’ve been there. This course will help you discover what your purpose is, and how to start living by it wholeheartedly!

It’s finally time for your spiritual path and your life goals to join forces to create real tangible abundance in your everyday experience!

Let’s manifest your most magical life possible!

So here is just a taste of what’s included in the Seasonal Living Challenge:

  • This guided journaling adventure is designed to help you learn to trust your intuition fully. To finally combine your spiritual path with your real life intentions! The key to manifesting your dream lifestyle is to first identify your core desired feelings, and then sync up your future vision with the wisdom of the seasons. I’ll give you all the tools and wisdom you need to do that in a way that suits your fluctuating energetic needs as the year progresses.
  • You’ll also be able to do the free introduction chapter to help you rewrite your story and step into your power. This is your step by step guide to identify your biggest desires. Discover your soul’s purpose at this phase in your life, and transform your biggest perceived weaknesses into your greatest superpowers over the course of a year!
  • Using these tools, you’ll learn how your personal development is perfectly aided by the natural rhythms of the Universe. And you’ll be empowered to make confident decisions which embody your ideal self – So you’re always making the very best and most aligned choices effortlessly.
  • You’ll even have the option of joining a private members’ space to learn in community with other magickal people! It’s time for you to stop going it alone and finally meet your spirit tribe! We’ll use the community space to tell stories, share our ideas and keep ourselves accountable for accomplishing our goals.
  • You’ll receive printable PDF workbooks / grimoire pages as well as physical copies to help you solidify the wisdom of manifesting with the seasons and with your intuition. Each one is specially designed to walk you through the manifestation process with any dream, goal or vision that you might have. And you can totally save them and use them again and again as you continue to grow along your path each year.
Wheel Of The Year journal prompt pages

So if you’re still on the fence, I would love to share with you some messages that were sent to me by people who have joined me for a year and a day adventure thus far:

Paradie Testimonial

My passions would have stayed shelved and dusty for much longer if I didn’t have the support and prompts from Afura to believe in and go after my goals. She is truly a magical person. I love her “keep it real” attitude and her suggestions that allow me to bring Magick into my every day life.


So let’s team up with a the seasonal energies to manifest your most magical life this year!

The adventure starts the moment you say yes to your dreams, because why would you put off stepping into the life you were really meant to have or even just another day?

Let’s get together and make some magick!

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Did you enjoy this post?

If so, I invite you to check out this one next:

What is a witch? (Seasonal Witchcraft)

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