160 Let’s Make Some Magick! (Changes To The Writing Witch Platform)

The Writing Witch Podcast

Greetings, magickal mavens!

I’ve been working on some exciting new projects behind the scenes, and I’ve decided to bring more MAGICK into this space!

While responding to prompts for the seasons and moon phases is one of my favorite “magickal” things to do, I’ve noticed that both myself and some of my audience members have been feeling like we could use a little more sparkle in our witchy practice!

Some of you have also mentioned that you’ve been dealing with big challenges this year, and/or that your practice hasn’t been what it used to be, and you’re ready for a new (or renewed) sense of inspiration.

Thus far, the overall focus of this Patreon space has been about consistency… But the constant theme that seems to be coming up for everyone lately is that it’s time for CHANGE

The good news is that (for those of us who are still craving simplicity, stability and consistency) change does not always have to come at the expense of those things. I invite you to join me for this podcast episode for a big update on how I’m bringing more MAGICK to the podcast, YouTube channel and Patreon!

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If so, I invite you to check out this one next:

Attending And Hosting In-Person Rituals At Rising Goddess With Elizabeth Whitacre

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